Saturday, March 14, 2009

One day older and wiser??

Well, I am officially 29! The remaining year in my twenties. It is unbelievable how did I get here?? My sweet younger sister said to me the other day "Are you sad that you are so old?" You see she is 21 and doesn't realize that with age you only get better (I guess I am like wine!) Well I thought for a minute because my initial reaction was well yes but I then realized that in the last 29 years I have accomplished a lot. I have done all the many things that I have set out to do in my life in these past few years, 29 is not that old! I have graduated college, become a home owner, taught school, became a mom to 3 amazing kids, helping my hubby get his masters, became a ski instructor(I have now taught for 6 seasons), and many of the smaller milestones of personal growth. All these wonderful things I did while I was in my early twenties so do I FEEL old No Way I still feel like I am 21 (my mom tells me that is how she feels too). When I look in the mirror and I see the few strands of grey hair (I have had them since I was 22, thanks mom and dad) and the older and wiser face- I am not sad because I have accomplished so much and proud of what I have done! So here is to new goals and accomplishments and to many wonderful and OLD years!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Sorry I couldn't be there to bring you muffins or something. Hope it was a great one!!

Raechal said...

happy birthday ashley!

Starnes fam said...

Happy Birthday! We love you very much!

Armstrong Family said...

HOORAY! Great attitude, Ashley! And 33 STILL feels like 21 too!

Lindsay and Mike said...

Happy b-day Ash! And, 30 is even better than 29! YAY for being "old"!

David said...

i posted a few days ago about some of my favorite blog titles. i'll have to add this one to the list.

Lisa Christine said...

How are we already heading into our 30's?!? Strange :)

I know what you mean though....I don't feel any older than I did 10 years ago.

Happy birthday! (a little late)

Lisa Christine said...

oh, I see that my brother left a comment above mine....

Dad and Mom Pitcher said...

I remember a bunch of my forever friends getting together for lunch when we were around 26, and someone said the same thing about getting old. But one of my friends spoke up and said, "Hey wait, all the people I know have it more together at 30, kids are easier, life is better." and I had to agree. I am glad you pretty wise about life! Glad you are in the family. Life just gets better and better, even on this far side of 30!

Lee Starnes said...

You are so awesome. Congratulations on all your accomplishments and even more for realizing all that you have done.
Happy birthday.

Kimberly Church said...

Happy Birthday!!
I ran into "Coach Pitcher" at the gas station awhile back and he told me to check out your blog... And I found it today. Im going to add it to my list! Anyways, hope you had a great birthday!

Lisa Christine said...

I am here requesting a new post!

Thorpe Family said...

Happy Birthday! Hey, I wanted to let you knwo I am having a Ward Pampered chef party and I would LOVE for you to come! It is May
19th at 6:30. Let me know if you can make it.