Thursday, September 25, 2008

So Sad

We were watching High School Musical and Keagan points at the shot of the high school and said that is where Daddy lives. So sad but all too often it seems true that he lives at the school. He is gone more then he is home but hey it is the price you pay for working, going to school and have a time consuming calling. The kids can go days without seeing Justin. We appreciate his hard work so that we can have all that we do. Here is to you and living at the school Justin!


Lindsay and Mike said...

Don't worry...the next few years will go by faster than you think. Then, when you're done, you'll look back and say "Hey, that wasn't too bad." :)

Coach Pitcher said...

I am sure glad that I do not really live at the school. It is so nice to have my boys wake up before the sun and serve as my 5:00wakeup call. I get some quality time early in the morning with the boys and at times with makayla as we eat "ceerolll becfest" brush our teeth, and then get loves before heading out to my second so-called home. I often see in the front window the boys and listen as they say "bye daddy." with a knock and a wave as they send me off to work. I have some great kids! I love them, miss them, and will always work hard to provide for them. Thanks for the blog ashley.

Nelson Family said...

I know how it feels Ashley. One time Steve was gone to Salt Lake for a few days. When he got home he asked our boys if they missed him. They didn't even know he was gone.

Ashley said...

Hey, what does your husband coach over at East. My brother in law goes there and I think that my mother in law is into PTA, he plays basketball and baseball. His sister was also a swimmer at East, that would be cool if he knew them. His brothers name is James Christiansen and his sister was Sara Jayne Christiansen, let me know what he coaches and teaches over there, I have heard that it is an awesome school.