Friday, November 30, 2007

Crazy Black Friday Shoppers

Yep I am one of the crazy people that likes no loves to shop on Black Friday. It isn't the shopping or the great deals (which I do love) but the excitement and thrill of the adventure. I am a stay at home mom and this is one of the few things that I can do with little fear of getting hurt and still having that rush of adrenaline. So this year I was at it again only some how my sisters and mom decided to come along too and it did not take too much prodding and poking. But instead of the normal 2:00 am wake up we pulled an all nighter. This was awesome; normally I can't sleep anyway because I am so consumed with the excitement of possible near tramplings or fists and elbows flying or vicious words being said. But with the all nighter I don't have to try to fall asleep to just wake up in a few hours. I would highly recommend the all nighter method of Black Friday. So we hit the Mod Bod sale at midnight- it was fun and I love it when people get upset and crazy at the cutters (life really doesn't change from 1st grade). We got some great deals and we were in the right spot for the line so we really didn't wait that long. We then headed to the mall because it opened at midnight. I got some great deals on clothes. I got Christmas pj's for $4 normally $12. That was the steal of the night. If anyone can do better then that I would like to know. We all had a great time just being silly and laughing the entire time with each other. One of the other reasons I love shopping on Black Friday is that my family is sleeping and I don't have to worry or feel guilty or hurry to get back, it is awesome. So after killing time at the mall and recharging our batteries with a Dr. Pepper we headed to Kohl's. I like to hit Kohl's every year because all the toys are 50% off. Now here is the trick have a list of everything that you want split up with your friends or family and is someone sees anyone's items they grab it. You can ditch the doubles later or buy two if it is that good of deal there are always birthdays that come up the rest of the year. Let's just say there were some angry folks at Kohl's because again like last year they didn't open the side door when they opened the front doors. This is when the excitement happens. People are swearing and pounding on the doors Mob mentality is great!!! So they eventually let us in but we all grab our stuff and I head over to the check out at customer service which is always faster then the other lines. We get out and head over to Target wait in line for the hour before it opens. This was well worth the wait because the security guys were just funny to watch. This guy has a reflector jacket and shiny ( I mean he polishes them every night shiny and they are his pride and joy shiny) shoes which helped with his credibility with the line people. He even kicked a lady out of line (her husband was there still holding their spot) that stepped off the side walk and went to the bathroom. He even threatened to have her removed for trespassing. We all tried to vouch for her but the crazy security guy wouldn't have any of it. So they opened the doors and we dashed through Target like crazy women on a mission. We checked out at the pharmacy and we were out of there in 15 minutes. I would say we had a very successful shopping day no NIGHT!!! Hope you all had as much fun as we did!


Melanie said...

Sounds like our morning..expect Jared was one of those guys that walks in when the open the doors and everyone yells "cheater" he and some guys started a yelling match but it didn't come to blows..thank goodness! WE had a fun time too!

Bowman Family said...

You are so brave. I have never gone shopping on black Friday, but after hearing your experience maybe I will try to talk Mama G into it next year.

Raechal said...

wow you are brave! it sounds like you have it down to a science though. I have never attempted shopping on black friday. its seems like its never worth all the hassle....but maybe I'll have to reconsider after hearing how well you do.

Lindsey and Ben said...

That is awesome! It sounded like you guys had so much fun! I wish I could get out of bed that early to go! I need to make a habit of this!!

Lindsay and Mike said...

Haha! I laughed so hard! I can totally see you just cracking up over the people that take it way too seriously! And, I'm with you on the Dr. Pepper. Has a more heavenly drink ever been created?