Tuesday, October 9, 2007

I normally don't do things like this but...

My sweet Melissa Galt tagged me so I thought I would play nice and do it. Here it is enjoy it!

A~Attached or Single: Attached
B~Best Friend: Justin is my best and eternal but Diana is a girl that I can always dish with she rocks! No matter what I can call her and it is like we have talked everyday.
C~Cake or Pie: Let them eat CAKE
D~Day of Choice: Saturday- family day (usually at a track or Cross country event)
E~Essential Item: Food- I just love it. It is surprising that I am not 300lbs.
F~Favorite Color:Green
G~Gummi Bears or Worms: Gummi worms
H~Hometowm: Eagle Mountain, UT
I~Indulgences: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate- scrapbooking is too
J~January or July: January I get to ski but July I live outside- hiking, basking in the sun, Justin has more time for family, I love fireworks and bbq's
K~Kids: 3- the cutest kids in the world. Makayla 3 1/2 Kaiden and Keagan 18 mo.
L~Life is Incomplete Without: Family
M~Marriage Date: December 29th, 2000
N~Number of Siblings: 2 brothers and 1 sister- they freakin' rock
O~Oranges or Apples: oranges- I did live in ORANGE COUNTY!!
P~Phobias or Fears: I hate heights but I will muscle threw it to see cool and amazing things.
Q~Quotes: Families are Forever- lame I know but lets be honest what else really matters.
R~Reason to Smile: Open mouth kisses from my boys, Makayla just being her- she has my comedic timing and wit!!
S~Season: I love the summer because I live outside but I love fall for the beauty of the changing leaves and I look much better in fall clothing. Winter for the skiing. Spring because I know that summer is coming!
T~Tag Three: Staci Starnes, Rachel Gillie, and Lindsey Storrs
U~Unknown Fact: I love to eat home made cookies or treat of any kind- If I cook a batch I will eat ALL of it by myself with no help from anyone else. I guess I just don't have any self control.
W~Worst Habit: I think that it would have to be that I brag about my kids ALL the time. I think that they are pretty much awesome. They are one of the best parts about me!
X~X-Rays or Ultrasound: I have had many x-rays: I broke my leg when I was 6 from skiing (it is a wonder I still love it) Makayla and I got in an accident about 2 years ago. I had my leg, knee, shoulder, hand, ankle, and elbow x rayed. This is also how I found out that I was pregnant. Ultrasounds: a mother of twins has one about a gazillion times a week. I have soooo many of those little pictures that I don't know what to do with them. I also had a few at the end with Makayla because the cord was around her neck 4 times. Scary!
Y~Your Favorite Food: Italian because I always wish I was Italian. I love garlic- yummy!
Z-Zodiac: I am a Pisces


Bowman Family said...

Thanks for doing this. I usually don't either but it was kind of fun. Reading it made me wish that we had never lost contact, but glad that we found each other again. You are a wonderful friend and through all these years I have never forgotten that. And your kids do rock.

Lindsay and Mike said...

Haha...thanks, I guess! I've posted my answers on my blog. Is this like a chain letter...if I don't pass it on, a curse will come upon my blog or something? :)