Friday, October 19, 2007

Being a mom rocks. I was driving down the road the other day and thinking about all the little bonuses that make being a mom that much sweeter.
Well first of all carpool lane. I was driving with 3 sleeping kids during rush hour and I made it through the traffic in no time. I feel like a cheater because the kids have to go where I go but oh well there are not age stipulations on the carpool lane.
When I want a treat I can just blame it on the kids. The kids were just so good that I need to get them something. (Really I am so good I deserve a treat)! The kids also need to learn how to cook what is better then making a yummy batch of cookies to teach important math and cooking skills.Of course I eat almost all of them later.
There are places that you can go that would look funny if you didn't have children with you. For example, the large bounce house play gyms. They are really fun but if you show up sans child people look at you funny. I would take Makayla to one all the time when I was prego with the boys. Imagine a very large woman climbing up the slide with her almost 2 year old and then add 2 more prego women with children. It rocked!
When something doesn't get done just blame the kids. Dads use this all the time- moms can use it too. I am sorry that I didn't get to that the kids were just on one today!!
I am my own boss and make my own hours (sort of- the kids do have a big say on the hours). I worked full time before being mom and I would not trade doing what I want when I want for better pay. We will see if I ever go back to teaching.
It is fun. I go to the zoo, museums (which I love), farms, aquariums, parks, and other "educational" activities for the children. I probably enjoy it just as much or more.
Naps- need I say more. Often times we tell our children to come lay down because they need a nap but it is really mom that needs one.

Yes, there are days that just stink but for the most part it is fun. I am lucky I have great kids and we all enjoy playing together. Plus, if my house is not spotless and dinner is not on time it means that we probably had a really fun day.


Lindsay and Mike said...

I TOTALLY agree about the carpool rocks! By the way, it's payback time, I tagged you! Read my blog for the details! :)

derrickfam said...

Oh Ashley....I am missing you now as I am picturing you at pump it up heavily pregnant with twins rolling out of the jumpy house. I can't go there without thinking of that. ha ha ha ha...