Monday, June 30, 2008

The Story of My Dad with an Old Lady Injury

My Dad likes to ride his bike. He thinks that it is fun. He likes to ride in group rides. Sometimes people are dumb and not good at riding bikes. My dad rode in Logan this weekend. He was having fun and doing really good. Some dumby cyclist ran into him. My dad fell down and broke his hip. He had 6 hours of surgery after 32 hours of waiting. My dad now has a metal plate and 2 screws in his leg. My dad has an old lady injury. He has to use cruches and a walker to get around for the next month and a half. My dad is a strong guy so we know he will be okay. We love my dad.
Thanks to all that were praying for him. He is doing well and in good spirits! Justin gave him a beautiful priesthood blessing before he went into surgery. It was such a comfort- I love the priesthood and so appreciate having a worthy preisthood holder in my home.


Raechal said...

so sorry to hear about your dad. that seems so totally is an oldlady injury. its something that doesn't seem possible to happen to your dad! hope he recovers quickly!

Lindsay and Mike said...

Oh my gosh..that sounds awful! My dad, too, is a biker. A few years ago, he was doing Lotoja (the race from Logan to Jackson Hole). We were his support vehicle. While we were driving along, we saw a deer run right in front of one of the other bikers. The guy did a 360 and landed on his back! He was torn up pretty good & was taken to the hospital (obviously). Biking can be a dangerous sport!

Bowman Family said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. I hope that he feels better soon and gets back to his normal self.