FOX on Demand
I am too stupid to figure out how to save just the clip but on the website above if you scroll down to Lying Statistic #8 you will see what I am talking about. But if not you can just think I am dumb and that this is a stupid post and I am cool with that.
Seriously so funny! Are you too cool or do you exaggerate so people think you are cool? I must be too cool because I am pretty honest just ask oh the hundreds of people that I offend every day!
Does that mean 44% of you lie on your blog???
I'd say more than 44%.
I'm calling you soon so we can find a time to play this next weekend. Even if it's at 1am or breakfast at the crack of dawn. You can't avoid us!
Funny that Brad is watching this show right when I'm taking the time to read blogs.
I don't like I lie but I try to use the right word to make blogs more enjoyable to read.
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