Sunday, May 18, 2008

Four Year Olds

Now I was under the impression that children turn four and they become understanding and angelic. This is when your rotten two and three year old pay you back with wonderful moments of sweetness. I find this to not be so. I had an awesome two year old- Makayla was great we would go shopping, she would nap, she would even listen when I asked her to do things. At three she grew more stubborn but Love and Logic helped me to control this and be a better parent. I don't know what has happened but she has turned into a tantrum throwing, Why asking, alphabet learning, obstinate monster. Note: she did not throw tantrums like this EVER! I swear I don't know what to do anymore. I thought sweet four we are doing great- two wasn't hard, we had our moments at three, but I am ready to be locked up in the loony bin at four. If every year gets harder I am done for it. Just lock me up now and throw away the key! She can be sweet and SO much fun and she is always funny but help me! I need all the advise I can get with an overly dramatic, power hungry four year old.


Lindsay and Mike said...

Haha! I have absolutely no advice since I'm going through the same thing...only with a five-year-old & two-year-old! I was always under the impression that four was a great age too, but Connor showed us (quite often) that he could still throw a decent tantrum. Five has actually been a lot better. Granted, he's not perfect...but it seems like the tantrums are fewer & the intensity has gone down a bit. I'll just cross my fingers & hope it sticks.

Aiden on the other hand...heaven help me! :)

M.S. said...

You will make it. I promise. It is all about finding their limits. I had a harder time with Emmalee (2nd child) then Katherine. You learn the art of counting to ten... for yourself. I learned the art of counting backwards for the kids... 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... It works for them. Don't give up!

Jensen Family said...

You give me hope that Kaden will be better when he is 4...because so far the two's adn three's have been rough! I literally lock myself in my room, I figure it is better than beating and getting CPS called on me!!!

Tommy and Jamie said...

Do you need a day off? I have been a bad aunt and should come grab those kids more often! Maybe Makayla and I could have a play date soon. I am totally going to call you! Hang in should see my girlfriends little Ellie throw a tantrum (she's a red head-it's horrific)!

Starnes fam said...

Parker and Mac are really two peas in a pod. I thought Parker was a handful at 2 but I was completely wrong. He is getting worse by the day!
Lets ship them off to Grandmas for a few months! Sounds like a plan to me!

Bowman Family said...

Well, I am sorry to say but you have read my blog so there is no advice here. I understand what you mean my Makayla hit four and seems to be more dramatic then she ever has been. Why is that? I wish you well with this situation.

Dad and Mom Pitcher said...

Not our darling Makayla, she really is the perfect 4 year old grand daughter! It's great to be a Grandma and much easier than being a Mom. It's good you can keep your cool. As I remember (between my CRC), you really will cherish those moments too and you will have some funny memories to tell on her later. Time flies and they do grow up way too fast, then they have kids of their own.

Ashley said...

Yikes, I wouldn't have a clue what to do. I teach 4 year olds at my part time music job, but I can send them on after 40 minutes. I hope that it will get easier.

Amy Brindley said...

Hey, Ashley! Remember me from Serene or Stonegate ward? I can't keep it all straight. I just found your cute blog through Erin M's. Sounds like you guys are doing well and your kids are so so adorable!

Amy Brindley said...

Hey, Ashley! Remember me from Serene or Stonegate ward? I can't keep it all straight. I just found your cute blog through Erin M's. Sounds like you guys are doing well and your kids are so so adorable!

thegatewoodfamily said...

Oh my goodness you little girl is so stinkin cute and your little boys have gotten so big. This is Taly Taly Gatewood just thought I would pop in and say hi, I just had a little girl take a look at her pics on our blog. Hope all is going well for you and your cute little family. Thank you for being such a positive influence in my life.

Lee Starnes said...

You are a perfect mom and Makayla is just being "age appropriate". I am really enjoying the blog. Looking forward to next one.

Aimee said...

My advice...take more breaks! Drop your kiddos off at the neighbors. They'd love to watch 'em for a while.

It has to get better, put your hope & faith in that. But, in the mean time, take full advantage of those that are willing to help you!
