Monday, October 15, 2007

Changing Backrounds is Hard and Time CONSUMING!

So obviously I changed the background of our blog. But because I am so dumb I lost some of my widgets and I don't know how to get everything back. But I do like the background. I really love this time of year! So if you are smart and can help I would appreciate it because I am going to have to change the template when it is no longer fall.


Starnes fam said...

I totally agree it is time consuming and frustrating! It looks great though!

Lindsay and Mike said...

I can show you a really easy way. Well, Mike can show you a really easy way. I always make him do it for me since he knows html so well.

Cami D. said...

I would love to know your or Mike's tricks if you would share - Thanks! Love the pumpkins!