Sunday, May 18, 2008

Four Year Olds

Now I was under the impression that children turn four and they become understanding and angelic. This is when your rotten two and three year old pay you back with wonderful moments of sweetness. I find this to not be so. I had an awesome two year old- Makayla was great we would go shopping, she would nap, she would even listen when I asked her to do things. At three she grew more stubborn but Love and Logic helped me to control this and be a better parent. I don't know what has happened but she has turned into a tantrum throwing, Why asking, alphabet learning, obstinate monster. Note: she did not throw tantrums like this EVER! I swear I don't know what to do anymore. I thought sweet four we are doing great- two wasn't hard, we had our moments at three, but I am ready to be locked up in the loony bin at four. If every year gets harder I am done for it. Just lock me up now and throw away the key! She can be sweet and SO much fun and she is always funny but help me! I need all the advise I can get with an overly dramatic, power hungry four year old.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Friend Up

When people are dating they are told to marry up or marry above them self. This makes you a better person because you are striving so hard to keep pace with that awesome person that you married. I know this first hand because I married Justin. However, I also friend up. I find people that are WAY better then me and con them into becoming friends with me. Sometimes it is family and they don't have a choice, sometimes I invite people over and have a great party, and others it is with my wit and humor. So this is a shout out to all those people that make me a better person by sacrificing and being friends with me. So to all my friends in the past, present, and future (I am sorry that I conned you) thanks for putting up with my self absorbed, selfish, obnoxious, judgemental, and opinionated behavior. I am trying to change and that is why I am friends with all of you!

But seriously you all are awesome and I am greatful for the many great examples that I have in my life!