Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ode to Justin

This time of year is always a little crazy for us. We have Christmas, our anniversary, New Years, and Justin's birthday. All with in just 2 weeks of each other. So as you know we had a great Christmas. A fantastic 7th year anniversary. A wonderful New Years (even though I hate new years eve). And a fun birthday for my hot 32 year old!! I know people never believe me when I say how old he is. They say he looks way too young which is true but sometimes I wonder if it because he is so youthful at heart.
Ode to My Justin
(okay not so much an ode but hey I think you are great!)
There are many reasons I love you and think life is great with you.
You are funny, kind, and friendly to everyone.
You are an awesome dad and a fantastic husband.
Did I mention you are hot and have the best legs I have ever seen.
Your eyes are amazing and you have a sparkling personality.
You are an incredibly hard worker so that I can play hard.
You are lots of fun to be with too.
However, you can't do the robot like Brittany but you do have some awesome white guy moves.
Well I love you and hope you had a great 32nd birthday!


M.S. said...

Happy Birthday to you too! Our 32 year old husbands... are such great kids at heart. That is why we love them so! I love the new song--latte boy. Funny thing, is that I just heard that one for the first time yesterday! By the way, Katie and Russ Olsen are expecting Twins in June!

Starnes fam said...

Happy Birthday to Justin! We LOVE you!

Logan and Kelsey said...

We love Justin! Logan LOVES to hang out with him. They are such big goobers together.

Dad and Mom Pitcher said...

Happy Birthday! It is such a joy to have you for a son and we are proud of the man you have become. BTW: Thanks for such cute grandkids that we have! BTW again: just have Just do the fish for you and you'll wonder just how cool his moves really are! You have always been a very happy soul, so the fish is just another way to express all that energy, confidence and sweetness.