My baby that made me a mom turns 6. I can hardly believe that I went through the difficult, terrifying labor 6 years ago with Makayla. I love that girl to pieces. She is sweet, fun, loves to help, and be active. She is so like her dad in so many ways but looks alot like me okay so she acts like me too! I hold Maci and can't help but think of when Mak was this little (they look identical to each other). She has always kept us busy and on our toes.
Her are some of her favorite:
Food- green beans
Place to visit- any ski resort
Book- Fancy Nancy
Movie- Hannah Montana
Sport- skiing but after watching the Olympics she was digging the ice skating
Singer- Taylor Swift
When she grows up she wants to be a teacher like her dad- but this changes on a daily basis.
She looks forward to learning to play the violin, skiing more, and when she gets to ride her bike to school and summer to play on the neighbors slide.
She keeps me laughing and pulling my hair out at the same time.
I watch her grow and can't help but wish that time would slow down so that I can keep her little a bit longer!
I love you LaLa! Happy Birthday!